This article explains multiple notification channels, including email, webhook, or Teams, and their configuration procedures to send a notification to the user when an anomaly is detected in a system.
A channel serves as the communication medium for delivering notifications. Channels can be thought of as the destinations where users intend to receive notifications.
The delivery of notifications can be configured using the following channels:
Email Notifications
Email notifications are automatically triggered when specific actions are performed by a user or when events are generated within the system. These email notifications serve as important reminders, drawing your attention to urgent situations that require immediate action. Refer here for Configuring a Notification via Email.
Webhook Notifications
A webhook is an HTTP request, triggered by an event in a source system and sent to a destination system, often with a payload of data. Webhooks are automated, in other words, they are automatically sent out when their event is fired in the source system. Refer here for Configuring a Notification via Webhook.
You can create multiple webhook channels depending on your needs, each channel targets different recipients, and separate applications. The most commonly used webhook methods are POST or GET.
Microsoft Teams Notifications
Notifications in Microsoft Teams serve as real-time alerts and updates to keep users informed about various activities and interactions happening within their Teams environment. To differentiate various events in the Microsoft teams chat window, different icons are used when a signal,or a Situation or an ActOn is created. You can identify the event triggered without having to go through each detail related to the event.
Refer here for Configuring a Notification via Microsoft Teams.
Slack notifications
Slack notifications are real-time alerts sent to the configured Slack channel when an event is triggered from any of these sources, such as a signal, situation, ActOn, or an entity. For instance, while configuring the Slack channel, if you select the source as ActOn and the event as 'created,' then whenever an ActOn is created, a notification is sent to the configured Slack channel. Likewise, if you configure the source as Signal and the event as 'Priority changed,' you will receive a notification when the priority of the signal on the platform changes.
You must first create an app on your Slack and link this app to one of the channels in your Slack workspace to generate the webhook URL. This webhook URL must later be configured in the Resolution Intelligence Cloud platform to start receiving timely updates on the Slack channel.
Refer here for Configuring a Slack channel.
Configuring a Notification via Email
Resolution Intelligence Cloud provides you with an interactive interface to configure a notification via email addresses.
User Permissions Required:
- Global Admin
- Configuration Manager
- User with an Owner role
To configure an email,
- Do one of the following to access configurations:
- Click the Configurations icon at the top of the navigation bar
- Click the hamburger menu on the left and select CONFIGURATIONS
2. From the left menu, under Notifications, click Channels
You will be redirected to the Channels page
3. Click Create New Channel. The Add Channel page appears.
4. Under Email tile, click Configure
An email form appears
5. Enter an Email a name and Description (optional)
6. In the SMTP relay, select a Domain from the drop-down list. For example,
Note: The domain is obtained after configuring the SendGrid integration.
7. In To Address field, enter one or more user email addresses to which the notification is to be sent
8. In Max Size of attachment, select a value (5 or 10 MB)
9. Under Maximum Hourly email slider, set a discrete value (from 25 to 250)
For example, if you set the value at 50, Resolution Intelligence Cloud will send 50 email notifications to the responder.
10. Click Submit
Before submitting your channel, you can test whether email notifications are delivered to the given email addresses or not using the Create a test option at the bottom.
Testing an Email Delivery
To test an email delivery,
- Click Create a test
A dialog box opens - From Address and To address fields are prefilled as your entries configured during Channel Configuration
- Enter Subject and Message
- Click Send e-mail
A pop-up appears on the top: "Your message has been delivered successfully."
Configuring a Notification via Webhook
User Permissions Required:
- Global Admin
- Configuration Manager
- User with an Owner role
The webhook channels are comprised of the following attributes:
Name | Unique Name |
Description | Other details of a webhook |
HTTP method | GET, POST (Default) |
URL | Webhook URL |
HTTP Header request | Specify any custom header token here |
Authorization Methods |
Choose any of the following:
Connection Timeout | A time at which webhook connection will expire |
To configure a webhook,
- Do one of the following to access configurations:
- Click the Configurations icon at the top of the navigation bar
- Click the hamburger menu on the left and select CONFIGURATIONS
2. From the left menu, under Notifications, click Channels
You will be redirected to the Channels page
3. Click Create New Channel. The Add Channel page appears.
4. Under Webhook tile, click Configure
A webhook form appears
5. Enter webhook a name
6. Enter Description (Optional)
7. Under HTTP details, select HTTP method
- POST (by default)
8. Enter a Webhook URL. For example,
9. Under HTTP header request, enter header name and header value
10. Under Authorization details, select any one of the following:
- Basic: Username and password are required
- OAuth: An OAuth key is required
- Token: A secret key is required
- No Auth: No authentication details are required
11. In Connection Timeout, enter time in seconds (by default, 30 seconds)
12. Click Submit
Create an Incoming Webhook URL for a Microsoft Teams Channel
To create an incoming webhook URL:
1. Click the ellipses icon corresponding to the team in which you want to create a channel and select Add Channel. The Create a channel window appears.
2. Specify this information:
Channel Name - The name of the channel.
Description - The description of the channel.
Privacy - Restrict people who can have access to this channel.
3. Click Add to create a team's channel.
4. From the channels window, click the ellipses icon and select Connectors. The connectors window appears.
5. Select incoming Webhook connector from the connectors list available for the team and click Configure corresponding to this connector. The Connectors for this channel in a specific team window appears.
6. Provide the name for the Webhook.
7. Click Create. This generates the webhook URL.
8. Click the copy icon to copy the webhook URL generated for this channel and click Done.
Configuring a Notification via Microsoft Teams
User Permissions Required:
- Global Admin
- Configuration Manager
- User with an Owner role
To configure Microsoft Teams Channel,
- Do one of the following to access configurations:
- Click the Configurations icon at the top of the navigation bar.
- Click the hamburger menu on the left and select CONFIGURATIONS.
2. From the left menu, under Notifications, click Channels
You will be redirected to the Channels page
3. Click Create New Channel. The Add Channel page appears.
4. Under Microsoft Teams tile, click Configure
A Microsoft Teams form opens
5. Enter the name for the channel.
6. Enter Description (Optional)
7. Under Microsoft Teams details, select POST HTTP method
8. Enter a webhook URL. To get a webhook URL, refer to this documentation.
9. In Connection Timeout, enter time in seconds (by default, 60 sec)
10. Click Run test to test if the webhook URL entered is valid and is able to sent a notification to the team's channel.
11. Click Submit
You must create a policy to get a notification to the configured channel when a signal is generated, situation is created or Acton is triggered. For more information, refer to Notification policies.
Creating an Incoming webhook URL for a Slack Channel
Use this procedure to create an incoming webhook URL for a slack channel.
Create an app
- Login to Slack with valid credentials.
- Navigate to your slack name and select Tools & settings and then select Manage apps. This opens the Slack app directory.
- Click Build option on top of this page or navigate to the to view your apps.
- Click Create New App.
This opens the Create an app window.
5. Select the From scratch option. This opens the Name app & choose workspace window.
6. Specify this information:
App Name – The name of the app.
Pick a workspace to develop your app in – Select the workspace in which you want to create this app.
7. Click Create App. This opens the Basic Information page.
Create an Incoming Webhook
8. Select Incoming Webhooks. This opens the Incoming Webhooks page.
9. Turn ON the Activate Incoming Webhooks toggle. This expands the Webhook URLs for your workspace section.
10. Click Add New Webhook to Workspace. The app prompts you to provide permission to access the workspace. This can be done by linking the app to one of the channels in your workspace.
11. Select the channel to which you want to add the app.
12. Click Allow. This creates the webhook URL.
13. Click Copy corresponding to the Webhook URL column and configure this URL in your Resolution Intelligence Cloud while creating a channel.
Configuring a Slack channel
Before configuring Slack as a notification channel to receive alerts, you ensure to have:
- Incoming webhook URL – Follow these steps to create webhook URL in the Slack workspace. This URL must be configured in the Resolution Intelligence Cloud platform to send alerts to the slack channel.
User Permissions Required:
- Global Admin
- Configuration Manager
- User with an Owner role
To configure a Slack channel:
- Do one of the following to access configurations:
- Click the Configurations icon at the top of the navigation bar.
- Click the hamburger menu on the left and select CONFIGURATIONS.
- From the left menu, under Notifications, click Channels You will be redirected to the Channels page.
- Click Create New Channel. This opens the Add Channel screen.
- Under Slack tile, click Configure. A Slack form opens.
5. Enter the name to appear as a display name in the Slack channel.
6. Enter Description (Optional)
7. Under Slack details, select POST HTTP method.
8. Enter the webhook URL of the slack channel to where you want to post the notifications. To get a webhook URL, refer to this documentation
9. In Connection Timeout, enter the maximum time to receive the response from the server. By default, 60 seconds is set.
10. Click Run test to test if the webhook URL entered is valid and is sending a notification to the configured Slack channel.
11. Click Submit.
Managing Notification Channels
Editing a channel
To edit a channel,
1. Do one of the following to access configurations:
- Click the Configurations icon at the top of the navigation bar.
- Click the hamburger menu on the left and select CONFIGURATIONS.
2. From the left menu, under Notifications, click Channels
You will be redirected to the Channels page
3. Click any channel that you would like to edit
4. Click Edit at the top right corner.
A channel form appears.
5. Edit the details and click Update
Deleting a Channel
To delete a channel,
1. Do one of the following to access configurations:
- Click the Configurations icon at the top of the navigation bar.
- Click the hamburger menu on the left and select CONFIGURATIONS.
2. From the left menu, under Notifications, click Channels
You will be redirected to the Channels page
3. Click three dots next to channel that you would like to remove
4. Click Delete from the drop-down list
A confirmation message popup appears
5. Click Yes to proceed
A Channel will be removed from the listing page
Bulk deleting Channels
To delete the channels in bulk,
1. Do one of the following to access configurations:
- Click the Configurations icon at the top of the navigation bar.
- Click the hamburger menu on the left and select CONFIGURATIONS.
2. From the left menu, under Notifications, click Channels
You will be redirected to the Channels page
3. Select the multiple channels that you would like to remove
4. Click Delete at the top right corner.
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